Welcome to Bremer Forum

Bremer Forum is a friendly, supportive group that meets twice a month in the Ipswich area.  The aim of our meetings is to improve confidence and communication skills.  Members learn and practise public speaking, how meetings run, the roles and duties of office bearers and workshop facilitation.  Feel free to contact us if you would like to learn new skills, enhance your abilities and meet new people.  Visitors are always welcome.

Check out our Find a Forum link above for other Forum clubs.

Email: forum@beconfident.org.au or

Facebook Chat: http://m.me/bremer4um/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bremer4um/

Facebook – Forum Communicators: https://www.facebook.com/forumcommunicators/

Phone: 0417 764 459


Bremer Forum meets at 6.30pm on 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month.

Meetings held at The Ipswich Jets Leagues Club, 15 Downs Street, North Ipswich

RSVP:  Please contact us on 0417 764 459 any time before the meeting

Dress: casual/smart casual/work wear

Suits 16 years and above.

What others are saying …

I joined Forum because I had things to say, but not necessarily the best way of saying them. Thanks to Forum, the words now have less rough edges.   – Rod, Bremer Forum

I joined Forum to cope with the media fallout when my first book was published. Just as well! Book launches, speaking engagements, live radio chats and television interviews pushed me way out of my comfort zone. My latest book was a finalist in the Queensland Literary Awards and saw me curating an exhibition for the State Library of Queensland. Almost daily, at times, I was doing lectures, curator’s tours, promotional videos, and interviews with print journalists and radio and television presenters. Thank God for Forum! Truth be told, I got what I needed from Forum years ago. I’m still here more than a decade later because I want to keep challenging my mind, stay sharp, and because I love my Forum buddies.  – Toni, Bremer Forum

Health & Safety

Please do not attend if you are experiencing any cold and flu symptoms.

Calendar of upcoming meetings – please note that most of our meetings include speeches AND learning segments to assist you to become a confident presenter

9th July 2024
Tonight’s speaking title is Life Revisited. All members are invited to present a prepared speech to this title.
We are also very fortunate to be able to include a tutorial on Overcoming Nerves, presented by a professional educator and well practised public speaker.

23rd July 2024
The main speaker tonight is Shirley, speaking to the title Justice Dreamers. All members are invited to deliver a follow up speech to the same title.

13th August 2024
Tonight’s speaking title is Are We There Yet? All members are invited to deliver a prepared speech to this title, which provides plenty of scope for speaking topics!
There will also be a learning segment included to help boost our presentation skills.

24th August 2024 – this is a SATURDAY
We are presenting a very special event this week – a SPEAKER’S CORNER.  This is a morning event which will be held at Tulmer Place in the Ipswich City Mall and we welcome all visitors to come along and support us.  Following the event we will be heading to Rafter & Rose Cafe in Ipswich for a delicious lunch.  Please feel free to join us for lunch too.

7-8th September 2024 Saturday & Sunday
Forum’s JOURNEY TO SUCCESS Convention is on this weekend in Redlands City and is open for all to attend.
Saturday morning admission is free of charge and features the following acclaimed speakers:
* Former Senator Claire Moore (QLD President of the UN Australia Board)
* Cr Paul Bishop (currently a Redland City Councillor – Division 10 & is also an experienced actor)
* Suzie Tafolo (President, Redland Chamber of Commerce)
* Caleb Henry (National President, UN Youth Australia)
* Kurek Ashley (International Keynote Speaker & Success Coach)

10th September 2024
Tonight we are mixing things up with a HACK-A-THON improvisation.  Come along for an evening of fun and frivolity!

24th September 2024
This evening’s meeting is entitled Rebuilding a Society From Scratch – A Joint Effort. Interesting speeches will presented and of course many innovative ideas will be heard. We will also make time for some impromptu speaking practice, because everyone loves impromptu speaking!

8th October 2024
The title for tonight’s speeches is Giving Instructions. All members are invited to speak to this title. Of course we will also ensure we have time to practise our impromptu speaking again.

22nd October 2024
The main speaker tonight is Rosie, speaking to the title Great Doers. All members are invited to deliver a follow up speech to the same title.

12th November 2024
This is our Biannual General Meeting (BGM), during which we will hear reports from our President, Secretary and Treasurer, and we will also elect our next committee. This is a great opportunity for members and visitors to learn how to run an effective meeting.  Following on from the BGM we will have a fun impromptu segment.

26th November 2024
The title for tonight’s speeches is Doing Well. Our main speaker is Leanne and other members are invited to participate by delivering a follow up speech.